Friday, August 25, 2006

"Plan B" Abortion Pill

"Abortion opponents threatened political retribution, however, and were displeased when President Bush backed the agency’s decision. 'Let there be no mistake about it,” said the Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, an anti-abortion group based in Virginia. “Today’s decision lies at the feet of President Bush and has created a lasting rift with the Catholic faithful who comprise a large part of his support base.' " [Source:}

Just one more thing about Bush that irks me.

The pill just gives unresponsible people another means of avoidresponsibilitylity. I was and still remain completely opposed to the pill, and anything that deals with birth control or abortions in general. It all goes against my morals, religion, beliefs, thoughts, and respect for life. I firmly stand behind the hundreds of millions of couples that can actually be responsible for their actions, and don't need a pill to be a backup, "Plan B" alternative to responsibility. This is a disgrace to what this country is promoting, and is a horrific statement as to where we're going in the future. I think this will actually have an adverse affect on people and will lead to an increase in abortions. But we'll see.

Deciding to have a child is a choice, but the child itself is not, by any means, a choice.

1 comment:

David said...

Eventually there will be all these choices not to have a baby so they won't worry about getting pregnant at all. Then STD's will run even more rampant.