Sunday, August 06, 2006

Got my laptop

I got my laptop today and I haven't been able to get off of it since. My new iPod is certainly getting used as well ;-) Other than that, I haven't been doing much. I haven't seen the news in days, and have been consistently getting 4 hours of sleep for about the past week or so. The days until I leave are getting limited, and it's becoming more and more evident with every hour that passes. I have to take my friend Joseph back to the airport tomorrow, then I should be blogging more consistently.

By the way, I saw Superman Returns yesterday, and I don't know why people thought it was a bad movie. Sure, it's not the greatest movie of the year, but it wasn't THAT bad.

Thanks to ieeye for pointing out the iPod typo....I don't know what I was thinking. I've typed iLife, iMac, iWork...everything like that with no problems before.

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