Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I've been busy in Vegas

I've been busy in Vegas, but we're leaving mid-day tomorrow. I'm sorry I broke my promise of posting at least once every day, but I came to Vegas to have fun and party, not to worry about blogging. And the internet has either been too slow or too temperamental at the hotel (major server issues in LV) to bother posting (so I think you'll all forgive me for letting a couple of days slip there).

Yesterday, I rode the NY, NY roller coaster 7 times in a row, and by the end of the day I hurt so much that sitting in the hotel's whirlpool and our room's jacuzzi weren't enough to ease the pain. That is the most rough roller coaster I've ever been on--but at least it was fun. I've been mostly touring the new casinos since the last time I've been here, and I went to a few clubs, but other than that nothing TOO exciting. I've walked more in the past week than I've ever walked before in all of my Disneyland visits, and I know that for a fact as I'm sitting here with my feet up, relaxing. But overall, I've had a lot of fun and have taken a lot of pictures that I'll post on facebook later this week.

Just need to look at some more news articles about the middle east conflict, then I'll definitely post about that in the coming days, because I have some qualms with the media right now. But I'll save that for a future post.

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