Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The immature-ness of me (and my roommates) shines through...


Well, maybe it's not so immature. Just follow the link, and just FYI I didn't come up with the link, my roommate did. This is a dead serious study that was published about 4 years ago that could potentially, according to the study and the doctors included in it, help reduce the occurrence of breast cancer in women. (Thursday, October 2, 2003 Posted: 9:19 AM EDT (1319 GMT) according to the archive)

Some favorite teaser quotes (trust me, you'll want to read this after these):

"Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed at North Carolina State University is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two."

" 'I am surprised by these findings, but am also excited that the researchers may have discovered a relatively easy way to lower the occurrence of breast cancer in women.' "

"Since the emergence of the research, I try to fellate at least once every other night to reduce my chances."